Hi All.
Sorry for not updating here for quite some time - too many things to be done at a time (well, I think I need to really work on my time management).
Anyway, yes! For this entry, I want to share why I choose the topic "The Use of E Journal in Enchancing Writing Skills Among ESL Learners at Tertiary Level"
As the world today evolves together with the use of ICT and etc, I believe that this would be apporpriate to benefit the use of online journal for learners to develop their writing skills.
It is said that some words are best left unspoken. True enough, perhaps some words are well expressed through writing - as personally I do think that writing is another mean of expressing and sharing, yes?
As according to Myrko Thum, in his wesbite, he claimed that writing could help a lot in language learning:-
Above all the reasons mentioned, getting back to the objectiove of me conducting this research is to engage learners with the use of ICT, as well as to get them write and improve their writing skills. This, somehow allows learners to express more, in terms of to insert any related images, or perhaps quotations from articles.
Until then, hope to share more on my progress of this task!
- He claimed that it would allow you to have Self Reflection - as you attain clarity and keep your inner space clean.
- Journal would be a place for you write your goals - this is to make sure that you know what should comes first - or maybe to see whether or not certain goals could be achieved in long term or even short term.
- Keeping journal allows you to review your goals - this, I must agree that sometimes we tend to forget things that we want to do. So having a journal perhaps might assist you in planning goals and aim higher.
- Be Responsbible - well, as you have a journal with you and you plan to jot down your goals, aims and all, perhaps this is indirectly having you to be more responsible towards things that you need to prioritise, as well as to know that you need to jot down the progress, say daily or maybe weekly.
- To have a book about yourself - now, to have a journal is basically something that you want to share and express about things that you feel. Therefore, this might be a space for people to read and get to know you better.
- A great place to plan would be a journal. Why? Because you need a paper and a pen to scribble, or mind map or even use any short forms that you understand to decode things that you wish to initiate.
- An Idea Journal - enables you to not only write your goals, but to also write about any ideas that you want to share with others.
- Exercise Writing Skills - to have a journal is to exercise your writing skills, and to really see the change of writing style that you tend to develop, once writing has become a habitual action for an individual.

Above all the reasons mentioned, getting back to the objectiove of me conducting this research is to engage learners with the use of ICT, as well as to get them write and improve their writing skills. This, somehow allows learners to express more, in terms of to insert any related images, or perhaps quotations from articles.
Until then, hope to share more on my progress of this task!